Saturday, July 31, 2010

My 5 year old nephew, the salesman

Yesterday afternoon I stopped in at my parents house for my lunch break. I see Noah standing about one foot away from the T.V, I assume that something REALLY great must be on. Wrong. It was an infomercial. I walk over and start playing with his mop of curly hair as his eyes stay glued to what appears to be a brush for dogs that acts like a vacuum. Noah says to me, "Oh, Chewy watch this part, it can comb curly dogs. Oh and that dog....are you watching Chewy?" I was, it was a pretty nifty tool. "I am Noah that's pretty cool."
Now he makes his pitch to what he thinks I should buy.
"Chewy you need to buy the brush with the curler to straighten your hair, it doesn't burn your hair."
This child knows me all to well. I straighten my hair with a Chi (best product ever) and smoke will come off my hair....not good, I know. So does Noah.
He's a smart cookie. Adorable as well.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

What is Choy?

I know your all dying to know who or what Choy is, well your in luck. I will tell you. My sister Jamie has always had a nickname for me. I have been called Pooh Bear, Chubs (my mom put a stop to that one, silly thing I was a really skinny child) Chewbacha (strange as we were not Star Wars fans) finally shortened to Chewy. We always joked that her kids would never know my real name, they'd only know Me as Chewy. Jamie had Noah in June of 2005. I have been Aunt Chewy, Chew Chew, Chew. Noah never calls me by Mandi. He often forgets what my real name is. Goal accomplished.
When I married Troy, my baby sister Lisa shortened our name as a couple to Choy. Long story for such a short answer. I am a personal fan of my nicknames.
Kudos Jamie and Lisa.
On a side do you spell Chewbacha???
If Troy reads this he will be on his way to the lawyers to file for divorce. Sorry honey.