Thursday, October 28, 2010

Growing Up

Children flood my office every day in hopes that I have made it to the store and replenished my candy bowl that they will devour within that very day. They stop by on the way home from school and sporadically thru Saturday. Usually if the candy bowl is off the desk they just look thru the glass and walk by.

Today I had two small girls come in equipped with purses, cell phones, small dog and a 2 year old. "Oh this silly dog I have keeps trying to run away!" I tell her that she needs to get a leash. Rolls eyes, "I have one in my purse..I just need to get to it." Okay, fair enough, I lose stuff in my purse all the time. I tell them that I like their purses and the phones. "They are old ones that really don't work, we just pretend. We act like we are grown ups." That's not fun.....or is it?

I remember as a child I loved to dress up in my grandma's housecoats and put on makeup. I also would take my grandpa's receipt book and "fill" out receipts. I liked to play like I was a librarian from time to time. I would scan the book bar code with a flash light. I'd play on type writers (not allot of computers at the time) I played grown up.

Now that my age tells me that I am one, and legally have been for 11 years. I like to think that when I was a child I acted grown up and now I act like a child, a semi-responsible one.

When I was a teen I told my parents that I was going to travel the country, be a Gypsy and the queen of New Orleans. I was a strange one. I still remember Tami and I mapping out the way we would drive the country, in a beat up old mail truck that we wanted to buy. I can still find the house in downtown Salt Lake were it was for sale.

Ignorance is bliss. Bills, Health Care, car payments, rent, groceries and a full time job never crossed my mind. Sometimes I wish I could go back and feel free of the burden that troubles us adults at times.

I always have been a little pessimistic. Enter Troy. The most optimistic person I know. He gives me balance. I know that even though I have gotten older and have responsibilities that I still can have fun. Allot of fun.

I never drove the country in a mail truck. I have had amazing vacations and journeys. I have been a Gypsy for Halloween. I may still one day become the Queen of New Orleans.

For right now I am happy as happy gets being the wife to Troy and the queen of Holladay, Utah.